GABLER-BAND: a history steeped in tradition
1872 Founded in Vienna by Josef Gabler. The company manufactures mainly wicks
1897 The company begins manufacturing trimming for lingerie
1901 Purchase of an elastic factory in Jägerndorf, Silesia – Gabler employs 700 workers
1915 Purchase of the shut-down elastic company Franz Fashold in Traun (now the headquarter)
1937 Purchase of an elastic factory in Leobschütz, Upper Silesia – Gabler employs 1,500 workers
1945 Expansion of the plant in Traun – Gabler employs 650 workers
1955 With a total of 120 million meters, Gabler is Austria’s largest producer of elastics
1987 Sale of the company to TRIERENBERG Holding, Traun
1988 Expansion of the jacquard technology, specialisation in lingerie
1993 New construction of the weaving plant, dye plant and the high-bay warehouse
1995 Sale of the company to the Berger Group. Change of company form to GABLER-BAND Aktiengesellschaft
2000 Expansion of the Microflex by Berger brand (fine elastics)
2005 Purchase of the elastic factory ELAS s.r.o in the Czech Republic
2006 Expansion of new business fields of technical narrow textiles (medical, automobile industries)
2010 GABLER-BAND ranks till today among Europe’s leading elastics manufacturers
2022 GABLER-BAND relocates its company headquarters to Marchtrenk